Keio Univ. Yagami-campus, Building 14, Room 631 A/B
3-14-1 Kouhoku-ku, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, JAPAN
Speaker: Rongxing Xu
Date and Time: 9th October 2019, 13:30 - 14:30 + 30 min.
Place: Keio University, Yagami-campus, Bldg.14th, Room 631 A/B
Title: Machine learning and its application on percolation model
In recent years, machine learning especially deep learning has been rapidly developed and it brings about a tremendous revolution on almost fields such as object detection, human pose estimation and medical diagnosis, due to its well-performed techniques in recognition, identification and classification on complex data sets. In this talk, I will introduce the reasons applications of machine learning on physical problems and clarify the methods when it applied on phase transition problems. Specifically, by comparing with other successful strategy on Ising model, I will demonstrate our new strategy of machine learning applied on site percolation model.
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