Keio Univ. Yagami-campus, Building 14, Room 733
3-14-1 Kouhoku-ku, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, JAPAN
Title: Learnability and continuum hypothesis
Shai Ben-David, et al proved that in some cases, a solution to the 'estimating the maximum' problem is equivalent to the continuum hypothesis. Hence, due to Gödel and Cohen, such problem cannot be proved nor refuted in standard mathematics. I will talk about the proof of this paper.
This is a review about the paper 'Learnability can be undecidable' published in nature machine intelligence (2019). For detail, please see the link below.
time: 10:45 - 11:45 + 30min.
place: Yagami campus, Keio Univ.
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Akiyoshi Sannai
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