DL2024 is the workshop that aims to bring together leading scientists in deep learning and related areas within machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematics, statistics, and neuroscience. No formal submission is required. Participants are invited to present their recently published work as well as work in progress and to share their vision and perspectives for the field.
Date: March 18-20, 2024
Time: TBD
Venue: Online and Open Space at the RIKEN AIP Nihonbashi office
*The Open Space, only available to AIP reearchers
Program: Please see the following website.
Agenda: Please see the following website.
**For AIP researchers**
If you want to join this workshop at the Nihonbashi Office, please register
from the designated link.
(We sent the link at 11:25 on January 18.)
When the seats are fully booked, we may stop accepting applications.
Language: English
For more information, Please see the following site. (You will be able to see the detailed schedule soon.)
Minh Ha Quang (RIKEN AIP)
Masaaki Imaizumi (The University of Tokyo/RIKEN AIP)
Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN AIP/The University of Tokyo)