We will hold a joint workshop with A*STAR CFAR as follows;
Date: Dec. 16, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm (JST)
Time (JST)
10:00-10:20 Introduction of A*STAR-CFAR Ivor Tsang, A*STAR-CFAR
10:20-10:40 Introduction of RIKEN-AIP Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN AIP
10:40-11:00 Speaker: Qing GUO, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Robust VisIntel: A Roadmap towards Robust Visual Intelligence
11:00-11:25 Speaker: Jingfeng Zhang, RIKEN AIP
Title: Applications of Adversarial Robustness
11:25-11:55 Break time
11:55-12:15 Speaker: Yueming LYU, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Structured Feature Maps for Kernel Approximation
12:15-12:40 Speaker: Atsushi Nitanda, RIKEN AIP
Title: Parameter Averaging for SGD Stabilizes the Implicit Bias towards Flat Regions
12:40-13:00 Speaker: Yuangang PAN, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Fast and Robust Rank Aggregation Against Model Misspecification
13:00-14:15 Break time
14:15-14:40 Speaker: Qibin Zhao RIKEN AIP
Title: Efficient Machine Learning with Tensor Networks
14:40-15:00 Speaker: Ying SUN, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition
15:00-15:25 Speaker: Minh Ha Quang, RIKEN AIP
Title: Geometry of Gaussian measures and Gaussian processes: From information geometry to optimal transport
15:25-15:45 Speaker: Chuansheng FOO, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Algorithms for Source Free Domain Adaptation
15:45-16:15 Break time
16:15-16:40 Speaker: Alexandra Wolf, RIKEN AIP
Title: Eye movement abnormalities in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment
16:40-17:00 Speaker: Joey ZHOU, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Can model compression really save energy?
17:00-17:25 Speaker: Lin Gu, RIKEN AIP
Title: Addressing Practical Challenges from Medical to General Applications
17:25-17:45 Speaker: Mengmi ZHANG, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: A peek into how brain computations inspire new paths in AI and how AI elucidate brain computations
17:45-18:05 Speaker: Tiantian HE, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Learning Weisfeiler-Lehman Representations with Structure Enhanced Graph Neural Networks.
18:05-18:25 Speaker: Zhu SUN, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: DaisyRec: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation.
18:25-18:30 Closing Ong Yew Soon, A*STAR-CFAR