RIKEN AIP (Nihombashi) Open area
〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋1-4-1 日本橋一丁目三井ビルディング 15階
Title: Cross-media Understanding
Heng Tao Shen
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
It has been shown that heterogeneous multimedia data gathered from different sources in different media types can be often correlated and linked to the same knowledge space. Towards cross-media intelligence, cross-media understanding has attracted huge amount of attention due to its significance in both research communities and industries. In this talk, we will introduce the state of the art on this topic and discuss its future trends.
Professor Heng Tao Shen, an OSA Fellow and ACM Distinguished Member, is the Dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Executive Dean of AI Research Institute at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He obtained his BSc with 1st class Honours and PhD from Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore in 2000 and 2004 respectively. His research interests include Multimedia Search, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Management. He has made continuous contributions to big multimedia data analysis, understanding, indexing and retrieval, and developed the first real-time near-duplicate video retrieval system. He has published 280+ peer-reviewed papers and received 7 Best Paper Awards from international conferences, including the Best Paper Award from ACM Multimedia 2017 and Best Paper Award - Honourable Mention from ACM SIGIR 2017. He is/was an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions of Data Science, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering . He will organize ACM Multimedia 2021 as General Co-Chair in Chengdu, China.