Keio Univ. Yagami-campus, Building 14, Room 631 A/B
3-14-1 Kouhoku-ku, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, JAPAN
speaker: Fuyuta Komura
title: Quotients of inverse semigroups, étale groupoids and C*-algebras
Given an inverse semigroup or an étale groupoid, one can associate C*-algebras. These constructions give us a framework for understanding infinite dimensional phenomena by more simple objects. In this talk, the speaker gives an overview of a relation among inverse semigroups, étale groupoids and C*-algebras firstly. Then the speaker explain how quotients of these objects are related to each other. If time allows, the speaker gives some applications about an ample action of a finitely generated inverse semigroup.
time: 13:30 - 14:30 + 30 min
place: Keio Univ. Yagami-campus Bldg.14th, 6F
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